Virtual conferences are a powerful and cost-effective way for event organisers to attract a global audience and maximise event reach.

The virtual events market is currently estimated to be worth a staggering £306,3 billion.

But while you might have eliminated the need for a physical venue by bringing your conference online, you’ll need a reliable virtual conference platform.

There’s no shortage of platforms available, so finding the right one can become yet another dragging to-do list item.

We’re going to help you check that task off your list.

In this article, we’ll share our expertise in organising events and review the top 10 virtual conference platforms. Let us guide you through the selection process so you can easily find the perfect tool for your upcoming online conference.


1. Eventbrite

2. vFairs

3. WebinarJam

4. Demio

5. Accelevents

6. BigMarker

7. Hopin

8. Zoom

9. Livestorm

10. Airmeet

Virtual conference platform buyer’s guide 

Before we dive into the 10 best virtual conference platforms, it’s a good idea to become familiar with the important features offered by such tools so you can choose the best one for your needs.

We put together a quick buyer’s guide to help you out.

Top features to look for when choosing a virtual conference platform

Keep your eye out for the following helpful software features:

Ticket management 

If your virtual conference is a ticketed event, then you’re going to need a way to manage the purchase and distribution of tickets. Ideally, this will be built into your conference platform.

By having your ticketing system in the same tool as your virtual conference, you improve data visibility and maximise your ability to report accurately on event ROI.

Networking functionality 

Your goal when running a virtual conference is to make the experience feel as much like an in-person event as possible.

Of course, one of the most important reasons to attend a conference is for networking opportunities, so you want a virtual conference platform that replicates this experience.

A platform that includes networking features such as live chat rooms or smart matchmaking to help break the ice, or the ability to jump on a 1:1 video call or schedule a meeting for later can be very helpful.

Promotion features 

The best virtual conference platform is one which helps you reach as large an audience as possible. That means you’ll want to look out for a tool with a wide range of event promotion features.

To promote your upcoming event, look for features like automated email workflows, social media sharing capabilities, and smart audience creation.

Breakout rooms 

Breakout rooms are a fantastic way to create an immersive and interactive experience during your online event.

Digital breakout rooms replicate the in-person experience, where attendees break off into smaller groups in separate rooms from the main conference to discuss a particular conversation topic, network, or attend a role-specific workshop.

Event analytics

A powerful analytics suite is crucial in helping you measure, understand, and report on the success of your virtual conference 

Make sure you choose a tool that allows you to dive into the numbers to see data points like:

Live tech support

Even the most advanced tools are burdened with technical issues from time to time.

Sometimes, it’s a platform problem; other times, it’s a user issue. In any case, when things go wrong in the heat of an event, you want to know that your virtual conference platform provider has your back.

So, when choosing your own virtual event platform, prioritise one with a dedicated tech support team who you know will be on call when you’re running the show.

Man attending virtual conference

How much should a virtual conference platform cost? 

Pricing for virtual event software can vary significantly. Simple webinar tools like Zoom can be used for small events for free, whereas the full-fledged version of Demio can cost as much as £70,000/year.

So, there is really no right answer when determining how much a virtual meeting platform should cost. It all comes down to your needs, audience size, event goals, and budget.

How to choose the right virtual conference platform for you 

As you’ll see shortly, there are a number of virtual conference platforms available that suit different needs. Some are better for large-scale conferences, and others offer only the essential features for small-scale live events, like webinars. 

To determine which virtual event platform is right for your needs, here are a few important questions to consider:

Lastly, before you commit to any virtual conference platform, schedule a demo with a sales rep to find out how easy — or not — it is to use the tool. 

A user-friendly platform (ideally with a mobile app) will help you garner buy-in from your team and from clients, maximising engagement and increasing the likelihood that your stakeholders will adopt the platform you’ve chosen.

10 best virtual conference platforms 

Now that you’ve got a good idea of how to choose the best tool for your needs, let’s turn our attention to our top 10 virtual conference platform recommendations.

Eventbrite virtual conference platform

1. Eventbrite

If you’re after the most comprehensive and feature-rich virtual events platform available, look no further than Eventbrite.

Eventbrite is your holistic, all-in-one events platform, covering everything from virtual conference marketing to ticket sales to advanced audience reports and insights.

But don’t just take our word for it. Let’s dive into Eventbrite’s expansive features, and you’ll see exactly what makes our platform the best choice for virtual events.

Customisable online event pages

With Eventbrite, you can create the perfect page for your upcoming virtual event.

Rather than having to shoehorn important information into a pre-existing page format, our online event page builder is customisable so you can present information in a way that suits your audience and aligns with your brand guidelines.

If your online event is ticketed, our custom page builder helps you create a seamless checkout experience that allows your attendees to register for your conference in just a couple of clicks.

Audience discovery features

If you ran an online conference, but nobody came, did it really happen? Well, it did — you’ve got all your hard work to show for it — but something was missing in your preparations: reaching out to the right audience.

Eventbrite’s virtual conference platform includes several helpful features for increasing your audience reach, like integrated ticketing on Facebook and LinkedIn and the ability to easily share upcoming events on your social pages. We also make ticketing easy by offering our check-in app, where people can seamlessly search for and purchase tickets and check in on the day. 

Inside info: Did you know that event-goers searching for unique experiences account for one out of four tickets sold on Eventbrite? Our virtual conference tool helps you scale your audience with personalised recommendations in our consumer app and newsletters.

Eventbrite’s Marketing Tools

Really want to max out attendance?

Eventbrite’s all-in-one marketing platform for virtual events allows you to reach all the corners of the Earth. Launch ads on social media platforms, crush email marketing with up to 10,000 daily sends and target the right people with a smart audience based on Eventbrite’s exclusive data.

Plus, with a deep reporting and analytics suite, you’ll discover exactly who and where ticket sales are coming from and gain actionable insights to help you continuously optimise your event services.

Dive deeper into Eventbrite

Mug sitting on desk next to laptop with Zoom conference on screen

Automated event notifications

Getting your audience to hit “attend” is only half the battle; what really matters is whether or not they show up!

With Eventbrite, you can create custom automated notifications to keep your event top-of-mind for your attendees.

For example, if someone hits “Follow” or “Like” on an event page, you can schedule an automated notification to go out a week later, reminding them exactly what they’ll get out of your upcoming conference and why they should attend.

Later, you can check your event analytics to see how many cancellations you had and what the actual turnout was.

Virtual event integrations

Working across multiple platforms? No problem!

Eventbrite integrates with the tools you’re already using, including Zoom, Vimeo, Facebook Live, YouTube, and Twitch, to help you design a seamless and interactive experience for your virtual event attendees.

This means you can add all the features these market-leading platforms have to offer — live chat rooms, breakout sessions, 1:1 video calls and meeting scheduling on the go — you name it!

Live Tech Support

Eventbrite offers 24/7 live support for paid event organisers so we’re there for you if you need us before, during or after the event. 

Pricing for Eventbrite

Pricing for Eventbrite is clear and simple, with super low fees for your event attendees.

There are no fees for free events and the service and payment fees are paid by ticket buyers — unless you choose to cover them.

Now, let’s talk about some alternative virtual conference platforms, each with their own special features.

vFairs virtual conference platform

2. vFairs 

vFairs is an all-in-one platform for managing in-person, virtual, and hybrid events. It offers a number of powerful features for specific kinds of virtual events.

Most impressive is their virtual environment, which lets you create a digital version of a physical event you’re already running or have run previously. This makes for a super immersive event experience.

These are vFairs key features:

Pricing for vFairs is customised based on your needs.

WebinarJam webinar platform

3. WebinarJam 

WebinarJam is a webinar software tool that’s a solid option for those who wish to run a speaker-heavy virtual conference.

WebinarJam has a huge audience cap for virtual events, allowing you to host up to 5,000 attendees without technical issues.

These are Webinar Jam’s key features:

WebinarJam starts at around £39/month with a cap of 100 attendees. Plans increase in price and attendance limits from there.

Demio webinar tool

4. Demio

Demio is a no-download webinar platform that allows your audience to attend your virtual conference without having to battle with clunky installations.

Demio’s strongest point is its deep reporting and analytics tool, which focuses on helping event organisers demonstrate their return on investment and identify opportunities to maximise audience engagement. 

Demio’s key features are: 

Demio has four different pricing plans:

  1. Starter — £400/year
  2. Growth — from £700/year (depending on max room size)
  3. Premium — from £1700/year (depending on max room size)
  4. Unlimited — from £17500/year (depending on max room size)
Accelevents online conference platform

5. Accelevents 

Accelevents is an enterprise-grade event management platform with strong customisation features.

Accelevents is a flexible platform. Though it offers end-to-end event management features, it also makes it easy to integrate the tools you’re already using for various aspects of the event planning and management process.

These are Accelevent’s key features:

Pricing for Accelevents is designed on a per-customer basis.

BigMarker virtual events platform

6. BigMarker 

BigMarker is an online event platform with features for both webinars and hybrid events.

BigMarker has a number of powerful features that help event organisers create hybrid events, where a physical, in-person event is also broadcast digitally.

These are Big Maker’s main features:

BigMarker’s platform is highly-customisable, meaning prospective customers can pick and choose which features they need. As such, pricing for their virtual conference platform is customised.

Hopin virtual events platform

7. Hopin 

Hopin is a suite of tools designed to help with audience engagement. One of these tools is their online events platform, Hopin Events.

Hopin Events allows organisers to create a virtual event with interactive programming and networking features that mimic the experience of a full-fledged live conference.

Here are Hopin Events’ key features:

Hopin Events has three pricing tiers:

  1. Free (for events of up to two hours with a maximum of 100 attendees)
  2. Starter — £80/month (for events of up to three days with a maximum of 100 attendees)
  3. Business — plans start at £4800 with no limitation on event length or maximum number of attendees
Screenshot of Zoom webinar

8. Zoom 

As one of the world’s most widely-used webinar platforms, Zoom hardly needs an introduction.

Zoom is a familiar tool that promises a seamless and hassle-free experience for event attendees. It’s already widely used in business contexts.

Zoom’s key features are: 

Zoom offers a free plan, but this comes with restrictions, such as a maximum meeting time of 40 minutes for no more than two people. 

Paid plans start at £130/year and scale up from there depending on the features you require, how many attendees you’ll be hosting, and the size of your organisation.

Livestorm virtual events platform

9. Livestorm 

Livestorm is an online meeting and webinar platform with several features that support virtual events.

Livestorm can support more than 3000 participants in a single event, which makes it a great choice for virtual conferences with many live attendees.

These are Livestorm’s key features:

Monthly pricing for Livestorm starts at £68/month, with limits on the number of contacts, event attendees, and event durations.

Airmeet virtual conference software

10. Airmeet

Airmeet is a virtual events platform with features to support webinars, conferences, and hybrid events.

Airmeet’s platform goes deep on branding opportunities. This allows you to maximise brand recall, just like at a live conference.

These are Airmeet’s main features: 

Airmeet offers a free plan for smaller events, with pricing for more advanced plans starting at £400/month.

Ready to choose your virtual conference platform?

In this guide, we’ve explored 10 powerful options for running your upcoming virtual conference. Each platform offers different features, price points, and levels of support.

For a truly engaging and memorable experience, look for a platform with seamless ticket management, helpful networking functionality, powerful event analytics, and a strong event promotion suite.

Eventbrite ticks those boxes and more!

With an all-encompassing event promotion platform, Eventbrite organisers can reach new audiences that maximise conference engagement and return on investment. Plus, our built-in ticketing management system allows users to click through from social media ads straight to purchasing tickets.So, skip the hemming and hawing and dive right into hosting virtual events with the most powerful online platform for your virtual conference events.